Bible-Discovery is a Bible concordance software. It contains several Bible translations, dictionaries, tools for helping to understand the texts in the original language, bookmark handling, customizable font size and colour, a biblical text importing pane, and a parallel and comparative Bible read feature. The Bible-Discovery software was designed for those who are not satisfied with the skimming of the Bible and they need more.
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A tiny freeware application for viewing the entire King James Version of the Bible. A plain text file with every word of the Bible is more than 4.5Mb.
- ChristOnDisk1.6.exe
- Denver Reynolds
- Shareware ($)
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King James Holy Bible Study for Beginners All Scriptures are from King James version and is searchable in the interactive application under the heading 'KJV Holy Bible Search'. Holy Bible Basics:Read the fundamentals about the Holy Bible.
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- Win2000, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Win98, Win Vista, Win Vista x64, WinXP
The MoNooN Bible Reader is freeware. The MoNooN Bible Reader enalbes that you read the Bible and find any text you want to search in all Bible Versions you have on your computer. [Features] Reading the Bible by comparing other Bible Version. ..
- MBSetup1.exe
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- Windows XP, 2000, 98, NT
THE BIBLE IS NOT A JIGSAW PUZZLE: A New Approach to the New Testament. by Frank Viola. We have been taught to approach the Bible like a jigsaw puzzle.
- Bible Jig saw puzzles
- Freeware (Free)
- 40 Kb
- Win 3.1x,Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,Windows2003,MAC 68k,Mac PPC,Mac OS X,Mac Other
A free Bible and InterFaith Explorer tool. Includes a very easy to use interface great for anyone wishing to quickly look up a passage in the Bible or work with InterFaith. ..
- Free Bible InterFaithExplorer
- Freeware (Free)
- 6.11 Mb
- Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Bible Jigsaw Puzzle. Online Bible games and puzzles. Puzzle Bible Use the mouse to move the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in place. Parables Of The Bible Jigsaw Puzzle at Uncle's Games. Civilization beyond earth rising tide cheats. This is a 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle with artwork by James C.
- Bible Jig saw puzzles
- Freeware (Free)
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- Windows All, MAC 68k, Mac PPC, Mac OS X, Mac Other
ABD bible code software provides best tools and quality matrices results for bible code research. Download Advanced Bible Decoder Pro today! Powerful bilingual English-Hebrew dictionary, allowing the English speaking user to search the Bible without. ..
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- 3.3 Mb
- Windows Vista, XP, 2000
The Book of Bible Stories Contains the Best Stories On The Bible. Written in simple and understandable language, the stories are perfect for retelling to Children of All Ages. The wonder book of Bible stories is not only a recasting of the familiar stories of the Bible such as The finding of Moses and the story of Adam and Eve.
- biblestories.exe
- Freeware (Free)
- 532 Kb
- Win 3.1x,Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003
THE BIBLE IS NOT A JIGSAW PUZZLE: A New Approach to the New Testament. by Frank Viola. We have been taught to approach the Bible like a jigsaw puzzle. Bible Jigsaw Puzzles. Bible Jigsaw Puzzles Click on a thumbnail to access a puzzle: Bible - White. ..
- Bible Jig saw puzzles
- Freeware (Free)
- 46 Kb
- Windows All, MAC 68k, Mac PPC, Mac OS X, Mac Other
Take God’s Word to Go! Do you need to have a daily dose of bible scriptures? Or maybe you need a bible reading plan? Now you can read and listen to the King James version of the Bible on your iPod with this new freeware program. Bibleplayer. ..
- BibleScreens
- Freeware (Free)
- 3.25 Mb
- Win95, Win98, WinME, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Mac OS X
Bible Study Pro 1.4.6 offers you a free program which satisfies you with 100s of Bibles, 1,000s of resources, maps and commentaries including all popular Bibles. Includes massive numbers of Bible maps, digital resources and linked lookups. Video game sprite sheets. Create and. ..
- Bible Study Pro
- BibleMaximum
- Freeware (Free)
- 28.1 Mb
- Windows Vista, Windows Me, Windows Server 200
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